You made it! This is the last part in our five-part series. You are just a few short steps away from drastically improving your overall cybersecurity. We wanted to thank you in advance for going through these steps, and if you are finding this article for the first time, be sure to click on #Password Guide at the bottom of this page to see all of the other posts in the series.
Our last three posts have covered how to create strong passwords, how to secure a primary email account for all of your online accounts, and how to set up multi-factor authentication. In this part, we’re going to discuss setting up a password manager and going through the process of documenting all of your accounts into that password manager with all new, extremely secure passwords.
This is part three of a five-part series on managing your passwords. You can view the other published posts by scrolling down and clicking #Password Guide at the bottom of this page.
In this part, we’re going to cover setting up Multi-Factor Authentication to add an extra layer of security to your primary email and your other accounts.
In our last blog post, we covered the importance of having good security hygiene and why passwords need to be strong and unique. We also provided some tips for creating unique, strong passwords that are easier to remember. You’ll be using that method to create a couple of strong passwords, but ultimately, you’ll be using a password manager by the time you finish this 5-part guide.
In part two, we’re going to do some general housekeeping to make sure that all of your important online accounts are tied to a single email address, and we’re going to walk you through the steps to secure that email account.
We tend to focus on business technology, but this time, we wanted to put together a guide that would help, well, everybody! It doesn’t matter how low-tech you are, chances are you still have to manage a handful of online accounts and passwords.
As it turns out, there really isn’t a big difference between protecting yourself as an employee working in an office compared to protecting yourself as an individual. Everyone needs to have strong cybersecurity habits because the entire world has built itself around going digital. Like it or not, this is how it is.
The goal of this guide is to walk you through some steps that will make maintaining your security and protecting your identity so much easier. It will take some time and effort at first, but once everything is set up and working, staying safe will become a much easier process.
We encourage you to share this article with everyone you can, from students to those enjoying their retirement. We all have friends and family who scrawl their passwords on a loose ream of paper, or who might even have worse habits that they think are perfectly healthy but are putting them at risk. This guide might help them reduce the risk of expensive, frustrating problems.
If someone sent you this link, hello! Nice to meet you! We hope you find this guide useful, and we’d love to get feedback from you if you have any!
Passwords open all of your online accounts, so creating one that’s both strong and easy to remember is extremely important. A lot of times, it can be an issue; which is why one of the most common IT-related problems our help desk remediates is lost password credentials. Let’s take a look at what makes a secure password and how to effectively do it.
The Disney brand centralizes its efforts on magic and wonder, but its parks’ food is one aspect that has recently been subject to concerning developments. A former Disney employee managed to access a menu-planning app and make changes to prices, add foul language, and change menu information. Since we live in a world with food allergies, you can already see where this is going.
Password best practices (and common sense, if we’re being honest) tell us to always use a strong password for every account we have. This is because, unfortunately, it doesn’t take much to crack a weak one anymore. A bit of software on a standard computer can crack millions of passwords in a matter of seconds… so the more complex and randomized a password, the better and more secure it will be.
However, this can also make it a real challenge to create and then memorize sufficiently complex passwords. To help, we wanted to share a fun trick.
Every time you log into an account, you have to enter a password. And we know exactly what you’re thinking: why? Good password hygiene is important, especially in high-profile environments like your business. Passwords play a crucial role in securing your network, so you should know how to build better passwords—if not for your own sake, then for your business.
That’s not hyperbole. This isn’t some click-bait title to try to get you to care about cybersecurity. A password you use has certainly been stolen, and statistically, more than one of your passwords has likely been compromised.
How this affects you depends on a number of factors, so let’s get into that, and talk about how you can protect your identity, your business data, your customers, and prevent a whole lot of problems.
Passwords have long been a cornerstone of online account security, paired with usernames to form the basis of most login systems. Consequently, they are prime targets for hackers seeking to steal credentials and gain unauthorized access to accounts or networks. The inherent weaknesses of poor passwords have become more apparent in recent years, however. This has prompted the growing adoption of additional security measures available to users.
Even though passwords are not the most reliable security measure out there these days, they are still important and the first line of defense against potential threats. Today, we want to discuss how you can make better passwords for all of your accounts.
It doesn’t matter who you are; your age, your occupation, your employment status, your station in life—you need to make 2024 the year you get your cybersecurity hygiene in check. What we’re going to talk about today isn’t overkill, overly complicated, or expensive. This isn’t us trying to sell you on something. In fact, this is probably the easiest New Year's Resolution you can give yourself.
First, let me start with a really quick story.
Passwords are what separate you from someone else’s private information, their money, their subscriptions, their personal data, their business, and even their livelihood. If you were able to easily crack a password, you’d have access to the wealth and identity of another person. In this blog, we’re going to show you just how to do that.
In 2015, there was an incredible amount of information stolen from organizations all over the world. From healthcare companies to government institutions, nobody was safe from the endless onslaught of hacking attacks. Now, in the wake of these hackers’ destruction, it seems that most of the incidents in question exposed passwords and email address; important credentials that put many users’ security in jeopardy.
Humans are always striving to create the next big security measure against the massive wave of online threats. One topic consistently in discussion is biometrics as a security measure, which take advantage of unique biological aspects of users in order to maximize security. Now, the US military is seeing the value of this kind of technology, and they’re funding a campaign to make it available to users.
Your identity has quite a lot of value, especially in the wrong hands. Security firm ZoneAlarm put together some numbers in 2011 concerning identity fraud, and it even shocked us. Let's talk about a few of these statistics and what it means.